Hero Advanced Reader

$ 299.99

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Rated ‘BEST SCANNER’ by our veterinarians and customers. The Hero Scanner is a universal microchip scanner that reads all 9, 10 and 15-digit microchips from any company. The Bluetooth® on the chip scanner instantly sends the chip number to any Bluetooth® device up to 25 feet away. This means no more manually typing the microchip numbers into your computer.

The entire chip number displays on one line and stays in the window for 15 minutes. Comes with a protective carrying case and a test chip fob. FCC Tested and Certified.

Hero will be available to order August 2.

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A Best Buy!
Hero is the advanced chip reader for everyone.  Well priced and built to do the job, Hero is uncomplicated yet full of features!

One-Touch Bluetooth®  Simple and Fast.
FCC Tested and Certified for safety.
Perfect size: 7 inches tall.
Bright viewing window – use any time of day.
Entire chip number displayed on one line.
Chip number stays in window for 15 minutes!
Universal Chip Reading *
Battery level icon in window.
Auto turn-off saves battery life.
Rechargeable 9V battery, charger included

INCLUDED >>  Chip fob with built in ‘Test Chip’ and FREE Carry Case. Keep the test chip fob away from animals when scanning. Test number is 933007125056789 or 933000000000000. Rescan animal if either number appears on the reader.

* Reads these types of chips:
All 9, 10 and 15 digit chips.
All ISO chips.
All Brands.
NOTE: Will not read discontinued AKC Trovan chips.

Additional information


9V Rechargeable battery, charger included


7 inches long


LCD lit display, blue backlight with easy to read white font.


One year from date of purchase.

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